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I Have an Issue with a Trade but I Can’t File a Dispute

The best way to resolve a trade issue is by filing a dispute as soon as possible so that our team can quickly investigate the matter. The sooner a dispute is filed, the more resources our team will have to help resolve the dispute.

If you’re not able to file a dispute, our team will do our best to help, but we may not be able to resolve the issue. Nonetheless, our team will investigate and take necessary action, if needed, to help make sure that this doesn’t happen again in the future.

In reaching out to us about this, please send us as much information as you can, such as the trade ID, proof of ownership, evidence, details of what happened, etc.

Note: We will only allow this once. We recommend taking a look at the guide we put together to help prevent issues like this in the future.

If you need any assistance from our Support team, do not hesitate to contact us. Check out this article on How to Contact Support.

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