This article shows you how to manage bank details in your offer so you don’t have to send this sensitive information every time you have a bank transfer trade. You can save more than one bank account and use it for all your bank transfer trades.
Adding bank account
Deleting bank account
Adding bank account
1. Login to your account, hover over your Page, and click Bank Settings.
2. Keep your bank account details handy and click Add Bank Info on the Bottom.
3. Complete the following fields:
Your account is added to the list of your bank accounts in your profile.
- You can edit/remove account details in the future.
- You can save multiple bank accounts and use them for all your bank transfer trades.
Deleting bank account
1. Login to your account, hover over your Page, and click Bank Settings.
2. Choose the account you want deleted and click Delete.
The confirmation dialogue box then appears.
3. Double-check if this is the account you want to remove and click Confirm.
At this step, your bank account has been removed from the list of your bank accounts in your profile.